Month: December 2016

“On your mark, get set…”

Ephesians 5:15–17 (NKJV) — See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

It is hard to believe that in just a few hours 2016 will be over and yet another new year will begin. With each passing year we are one step closer to eternity and with it a full realization of all the glorious truths in the Scriptures which we have read about over the years.

The older I get and the more I see happening in our world, the more eagerly I anticipate that day. In the meantime, we must redeem the time well and there is no better way to do that than reading through the Bible, God’s word to mankind. It is one of the best ways we come to understand God’s will for our lives.

Tomorrow you will receive an email (if you are subscriber), or see a post on Facebook, with a suggested reading plan. Along with the reading are some brief comments about particular verses which spoke to my heart when I used this particular plan a few years ago (2013). I personally intend to use this reading schedule again this year.

I would love to have you add any particular thoughts the Lord spoke to you during your reading. Feel free to comment on as many of the posts as you would like or share anything else that is on your heart.

Finally, I will be praying for you that whether it is your first time in reading through the Bible in a year, or your 50th, that you will be richly blessed. I am certain you will!

In Christ alone,



Here’s To A Job Well Done!

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Praise God…you did it! 

If you’ve hung in there with us, you have finished reading the entire Bible. It may have been your first, or your 50th, but either way, way to go!

We will take a break for the next 6 days and then we will get started with a New Reading Plan. If you want a preview of what that is going to be, you can take a look at it here or just check out the menu in the upper right hand corner of this page.

I will send out a reminder on the 30th to get you ready for 2017, but if you would like, no harm in getting a jump start.

I pray you had a great Christmas and will have a great Jesus filled week, this last week of 2016.

In Christ alone,


December – Day 25


And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I supposed that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. – John the Apostle

New Testament

  • John 21:15-25
  • Revelation 22

Old Testament

  • Job 42
  • Malachi 1-4

I have long been fascinated with Jesus’ final words to Peter. Three years earlier Jesus had called Peter, “Follow Me.” And here again, three years later, Jesus tells Peter, “Follow Me.” Did he not get it? I believe he was as committed to following Jesus on the last day as he was on the first. He simply did not know what it meant until he experienced all the joys, struggles, doubles, and frustrations the he did. It was these that prepared him to be used for Christ. And so it is with us.

We mustn’t altar one word of the Bible. This is the great apostasy that is taking place in the world today. The rewriting of Scripture so it fits into our lifestyles and our wants. This will surely lead to a spiritual wasteland and even death.

What a beautiful picture in Job of a surrendered heart, after all he went through. I thank God that his story was preserved for us to learn from. Job’s conclusion, “I know that You  can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from you.”

The messenger that the prophet Malachi speaks of is Jesus. “Behold, He is coming!”

Oh Lord, thank you for a good year of reading  your word. Thank you for the way it has sustained us this past year. We pray that the Holy Spirit would minister the plethora of truths regarding Jesus those which have not been recorded. May we live fully for you in the coming new year, in the reality that you can do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from you. Prepare our hearts, in this last week of the year, to be ready to read through the Bible all over again. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December – Day 24


To be always fortunate, and to pass through life with a soul that has never known sorrow, is to be ignorant of one half of nature. • Seneca the Younger

New Testament

  • John 21:1-14
  • Revelation 21

Old Testament

  • Job 41:12-34
  • Zechariah 10-14

Every time I read this account of Jesus cooking breakfast on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, I cannot help but think, “How did they miss it?” What was going on in Peter’s mind that he would seemingly forget the words of the Lord so quickly and go back to fishing? Imagine what that breakfast would have been like?

The day is coming when every tear will will be wiped away, when there shall be mo more death, no more sorrow, no more crying, and no more pain. Oh what a great and glorious day awaits those who have placed all of the trust and faith in Jesus.

It would seem that at one time there were actually some sort of fire breathing animals, perhaps dragons. I don’t doubt in the least that this is the case. This is what it says.

The remaining prophecies in Zechariah about Jesus and his crucifixion are so profound. We tend to look at them as a part of the past and lump all of the Scripture together in one timeline that is much closer together than it actually was. These prophecies were made over 500 years before the crucifixion happened. Amazing!

Heavenly Father, we look forward to the day when there will be no more sorrow, pain, tears, and all of the heartache that comes with them. Help us to endure the trials we face, in order that we might bring the Gospel to those who are overcome with the trials of this world. May it begin in our own hearts. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 


December – Day 23


If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel, you hinder people from getting to reality. • Oswald Chambers

New Testament

  • John 20:24-31
  • Revelation 20

Old Testament

  • Job 41:1-11
  • Zechariah 6-9

The gospel is the joyful news from God that leads us to salvation. This is what John is telling us in his concluding remarks in the Gospel of John, “…these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” The life we have in the name of Jesus is eternal.

Satan is banished to the bottomless pit for a period of 1,000 years until his final judgement where he will then be forever cast into hell.  It is then that all who have rejected Christ, will face the great white throne judgment of God. This is where such blasphemers will bow their knee before him, declare him as Lord, tragically only to be cast into outer darkness.

We find so many Messianic prophecies in the latter verses of Zechariah, to include the prophecy of Jesus riding into Jerusalem during the last week of his ministry on earth (John 12:15, Matthew 21:5). The disciples would remember these verses amidst the shouts of “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

The leviathan is a reference to some sort of huge fish that existed. It is a word that has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature. God makes is clear that it is so mighty, so huge and strong that no one could hope to catch it, but God. He created it and he can control it. What a great and mighty God he is!

Oh Lord, thank you that through faith we know all of your word to be true. Help us to be ever mindful that there is a judgement that is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue confess you as Lord. Thank you that we can count on absolutely every word of Scripture coming to pass. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December – Day 22


And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Jesus on white horses. – John the Apostle (Revelation 19:14)

New Testament

  • John 20:19-23
  • Revelation 19

Old Testament

  • Job 40
  • Zechariah 1-5

Even in his resurrected state, we see that Jesus is not only fully God, but fully man. How do we know this? The evidence of the wounds for our transgressions on his hands, side, and feet. Like the apostles, we are sent to proclaim the message of repentance.

These last chapters of Revelation are some of the most profound and encouraging. Thanks be to God that those who are in Christ will return to the earth for a 1,000 year rule and reign with him. The power of his word, like a sword, is the most powerful weapon ever.

Oh how we must guard our mouths and hearts from ever presuming that we could correct God. When we are tempted to do so, we should take some time and read these chapters again, and again, and again.

Zechariah is a post captivity prophet which speaks of the rebuilding of the temple, forecasts of the grander future temple, along with visions of Jesus, the coming Messiah, and his universal kingdom.

Oh Lord, as we wind down another year of reading through your word, may be be reminded of your perfect plan of salvation and the reality that the day is coming when you will return with your church  and rule and reign the earth alongside of you. Help us this day to see this as a truth that is eternal, one that we can prepare for in our devotion to you here and now. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December – Day 21


Nature is a good name for an effect whose cause is God. • William Cowper

New Testament

  • John 20:10-18
  • Revelation 18

Old Testament

  • Job 39
  • Haggai 1-2

Imagine how they felt, each going to their own homes no doubt wondering what the past three years had been all about. I have always loved how Mary recognizes Jesus after he calls her name. No one speaks our names like Jesus. I can’t wait to see him face to face and hear him call out my name.

The scriptures are clear that the Lord does not remember our sins and yet here in Revelation it says that he does. Is there a contradiction? I don’t believe so. The Lord being omnipresent, knows all things. However, at the same time he forgets them in the sense that he no longer holds them against us.

The list of things that God created, things that we will never understand, is endless. The next time you are out for a walk, look around and ask yourself, “How much of what I look at do I really understand?” I believe that such an exercise will give us a great reverence for God.

As children of God we must take time to “consider our ways” and ask ourselves if they line up with his ways. It all belongs to him, he created it all. That includes us. We would do well to walk in the truth of that.

Oh Lord, thank you for another day. Thank you for your love and care for us. Give us hearts that trust you and seek you diligently this week. In you are all of the answers to all things. We believe that. Help our unbelief. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December -Day 20


Every judgement of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or morally indifferent, is obligatory, in such wise that he who acts against his conscience always sins. • Thomas Aquinas

New Testament

  • John 20:1-9
  • Revelation 17

Old Testament

  • Job 38: 22-41
  • Zephaniah 3

Why were the disciples so discouraged at the death of Jesus? They did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. We fail to understand the truths of God when we filter such truths with what and how we think he should act.

The ten horns are connected to the prophecy of Daniel 7:24. When they crucified Jesus, the wicked thought it was over. They were wrong! The Lamb who was slain, will prevail.

Man thinks he is so wise, all the time ignoring where it is that the wisdom came from in the first place. It came from God. He is the only one who gives understanding to the heart.

The  omnipotence of God either hardens the heart, or humbles the heart. The humble and meek trust in the name of the Lord.

Heavenly Father, open our eyes to the Word of God that we might understand your truths. Your word never fails. You alone give understanding to the  heart. May we humble ourselves before you, trusting you in all things. Thank you for this glorious day, for making it, and allowing us to live in it. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December – Day 19

A beginner must look on himself as one setting out to make a garden for his Lord’s pleasure, on most unfruitful soil which abounds in weeds. His Majesty roots up the weeds and will put in good plants instead. Let us reckon that this is already done when the soul decides to practice prayer and has begun to do so. • Teresa of Ávila

New Testament

  • John 19:38-42
  • Revelation 16

Old Testament

  • Job 38:1-21
  • Zephaniah 1-2

They buried Jesus in the customary manner, because in spite of all of his prophetic words they believed him to be dead.

Many will take the mark of the beast for the sake of relief from famine. Tragically, horrifically, it will be short lived as the mark with literally mark them as recipients of “foul and loathsome sores.”

We are getting into the final chapters of Job, drawing to God’s conclusion of the reason for all of Job’s calamities. These are my favorite chapters, speaking of the greatness of our God and the foolishness of man to think he can understand God. When we think ourselves higher than we ought, we make ourselves higher than God. May that never be!

People only kid themselves when they think that God will not do good, nor evil. These are settled in complacency. We must never be complacent with our understanding of God and his nature.

Oh Lord, by the Holy Spirit prepare us like adult men and women ready to hear truths about  you. May we allow such truths to put us in a right place in regards to your majesty and our humanity. Guard our hearts and mouths from speaking words without knowledge. In Jesus’ name…Amen! 

December – Day 18

These are fountains of salvation that they who thirst may be satisfied with the living words they contain. In these alone is proclaimed the doctrine of godliness. Let no man add to these, neither let him take out from these. • Athanasius of Alexandria

New Testament

  • John 19:28-7
  • Revelation 15

Old Testament

  • Job 37
  • Habakkuk 1-3

The fact that Jesus said, from the cross, “I thirst!” is indicative of his humanity. The more I think about God becoming a man, never leaving his deity, the more I realize how profound and important it is. When we Jesus, we see God our father and creator. We know that he is familiar with anything we experience, temptation, suffering, etc. Not just because he is fully God, but because he is fully man.

The only possible way to escape the wrath of God is through Jesus. The seven plagues of the seven angels bring completion to the wrath of God. Thanks be to God that those who trust in Jesus will not face his wrath. I never grow weary of basking in the glory of this truth.

It is by the breath of God that we have life, and also by his breath that the waters are frozen and ice is given. This speaks to the power of God’s word.

I love the prophet Habakkuk. He understood that he was to be faithful to the message he was given to give to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. It didn’t matter if it was a comfortable message or not, he was called to give it. He stood his watch, and waited to see what the Lord would say. Additionally, he was ready to be corrected. What an example to us all!

Oh Lord, thank you for another day. Help us to be like Habakkuk, and stand our watch, waiting to hear what  you would say, ready to be corrected. May we never be presumptuous, but only presume to be ready to be corrected by you so that we might be used more for your glory. In Jesus’ name…Amen!